Friday, May 9, 2008

Update on SurfJunky

So I've been on and off for parts of the day, and I have already made 1.20$ and am continuing to earn. I have high hopes for this site. It's free to join and pays out via paypal. I don't believe there is a minimum payout, and they pay once a month, and of course it's free to join.

I'll keep my earnings posted.

My goal for this site is to earn a minimum of 3.00$ per day. Hopefully more.

UPDATE : This is a scam site. You will not be paid for your efforts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The minimum pay out is 25$

From the site:-

"We have not been late with a single account yet! Payments are sent by PayPal, StormPay, and e-Gold. If you prefer to receive a check through regular mail... we still do that also! You only have to earn $25.00 within any month to get paid. If you don't meet the minimum for payouts your earnings are rolled over."