Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Purchasing Referrals

So I've earned so much, so quickly on that I am thinking about purchasing referrals. I only have one for this site, and really, who ever you are, you've helped out a lot. With even just having one referral for this program, my earnings are going up so fast. I now have over 7.00$. And if you look back to a previous post from just a few days ago, I only had a little over 5$.

Purchasing referrals for this site is only 6.95$. They will resume referral purchases Friday, so then I will be able to purchase 5 referrals. I'm excited about this because I really like this site, and though my site is about making money online, it's happening slow. This would be my first big jump to making more than just a few bucks. If I add up all the totals in earnings from all my sites, it equals to over 100$, but that's just a few bucks here, and a few bucks there. And really, it doesn't amount to anything until you actually have the cash/check in your hand or account.

Let me know your thoughts on purchasing referrals. Should I do it? Have you purchased referrals for any other sites? How did it work out for you?

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